Friday, September 25, 2009

To My Grey's Girls:

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."
Last night was the premiere of Grey's Anatomy. For the past 3 years, my girlfriends and I have made Thursday nights our "Grey's Girls' Night". It's been a great way to make sure we find at least one night a week that we can all spend together and catch up on both Grey's and our lives. I've always appreciated our nights "in" together, but last night made me realize just what I was missing...
My friend, Alexis, sent out E-vites a couple weeks ago announcing that the Grey's kick-off would be held at her house. She asked everyone to wear scrubs and bring over a Grey's inspired appetizer. I was bummed I couldn't be there as this was the first official "event" that I would be missing out on...sooo...after sulking all day, Brandon suggested that we have our own Grey's theme party. He put in extra hours of studying at the beginning of the week so he would be able to take last night off and spend it with me! So with dinner cooked...chemo cakes, and heart shaped crackers and brie for an appetizer, we set up a little operation table and got in character.
I was so excited I was able to see all my "Grey's Girls" and chat with them on Skype before the show began! AND text messaging them during the "dramatic" scenes definitely made me feel like I was there with them (well, almost). With my spirit lifted, Brandon and I actually ended up having a great time! BK said last night during the show that he's going to do this every week with me...Maybe this new "Grey's night" won't be that bad after all... :-)

Me dressed up as Dr. Isobel Stevens. Brandon wrapped my head so tight it gave me a headache, but after 2 hours I think my head went numb, and I grew quite accustomed to my new do.
(Side note: Look at all the CRAP behind me..I still haven't unpacked all my stuff. It's been a disaster...but that's for another blog, another day.)

Dr. Brandon "gloving up"

This picture cracks me up. Brandon was trying to figure out a way to get his glove in the pic so he busted out a GQ pose. Gotta love him!

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